Tuesday, December 27, 2011


What's the best part of the holiday vacations from school? Is it sleeping in? Staying up late? Lounging about in your pajamas all day long? Nope.... For Punk and Peanut, its all about cuddling up in the top bunk of the boys' room, plugging into their DS's, and spending the day lost in Johto, Kanto, or one of those other regions inhabited by Pokemon and trainers alike.

When Punk was little, his dream ambition was to go to Japan in search of Pokemon to train. Sadly, with age, he came to realize that that was a bit of an impossibility. But living in the mitten, we have found that our state is actually getting on the map for game development. So who knows? Maybe in fifteen years or so, he will be creating his own Pokemon-like tales for other children to follow.

Peanut never had those same dreams. Until the last year or so, she just wasn't into the whole realm of Pokemon as her brothers are. With the introduction of Adderall into her system though, suddenly, she became aware of how to focus her mind enough to enjoy those story lines. She is still more into her hunting games or, on the opposite side of the spectrum, the caring for animal games, that seem to fit her persona very well. I can see Peanut following a care into veterinary work, while enjoying a healthy love of hunting on the side.

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