The excitement is in the air! I don't think that the kiddos can handle our "just one more sleep until Christmas" preparations. What? You mean that tomorrow is NOT Christmas? Ok, its really not but both our families celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve and left Christmas day for relaxing or celebrating our Savior's birth. And we like the tradition. Makes it easier to give real meaning to the season for the older kids and lets the littles not get quite so overwhelmed with sensations.
Dealing with a work Christmas party last night (which only PorkChop attended... SweetPea had her first "visit" to nonna's without mama or daddy with her), Christmas shopping today (while all the kiddos, minus PorkChop again stayed with my sister), I forsee a long night of wrapping ahead of us. *yawn* And I am already sleepy!
But to quell our anxieties, we took the time to share one last special holiday story with the family.... A Dinosaur's Night Before Christmas!
But to quell our anxieties, we took the time to share one last special holiday story with the family.... A Dinosaur's Night Before Christmas!

So tonight when I tuck many young P's into bed and pray that they stay there until morning, I will do so knowing that so many Christmas dreams will soon be coming true. That tomorrow, we will begin our two days of family time, present opening and gift giving, laugh and food sharing, memory making.... Its almost Christmas time, the most magical time of the year!
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