Today turned into quite an expected departure from our "norm". For one, hubby had a serious need for a sick day so we got the pleasure of having him home with us all day. Now, normal people work five days a week. Since March, hubby has been averaging seven. So an entire day with us is a major blessing.
We had planned on making salt dough ornaments for our tree today and went ahead with it as planned. Who knew that they would take almost all our morning time and then some of our evening time as well?! Lesson learned... make these on the weekend next year. But having hubby there to help me with SweetPea and PorkChop made it a much more pleasurable experience. Especially since it allowed me to get a very special ornament made for our little PorkChop's first Christmas.

One batch of dough ended up making 33 ornaments so we baked them during the early afternoon and let all four of the bigger P's paint them before dinner. Tomorrow night we will all work together as a family decorating our tree with our hand work. And since our tree is up out of the reach of our dogs, I might even end up relenting and teaching SweetPea how to thread Fruit Loops for a truly festive garland (popcorn and cranberries is just way beyond the skill level of a two year old....). I cannot wait to see how all the colors mesh together and how beautiful our Charlie Brown tree is going to look after our love is spread upon it.
We also had an unexpected lesson in giving from the heart. Hubby and I had planned on having the P's deliver homemade cookies to the "heroes" in our lives.... The local fire department, the police station, our mailman and our midwife. This was supposed to be our weekend "job" but instead, we got to deliver cookies (and milk) a bit earlier than anticipated.

I will admit, SweetPea wasn't so thrilled with losing her nursing position for the afternoon but there is a time to learn the sweet joys of sharing and giving. An unexpected way to receive the Christmas message but it felt good knowing that we could be doing our part in delivery both cookies (and milk) tonight.
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