If you don't listen to Twisted Christmas carols, then the title today probably isn't funny to me. If you do, then maybe you are lucky enough to have heard this parody to "Deck the Halls". If not, try finding it. It always makes me laugh because I am not a huge fan of malls and the idea of running amok in them during the holiday season just strikes me as amusing.
What else strikes me as amusing is how much my hubby wants to "do" Santa with the kiddos but how much he is against all the "traditional" Santa activities. You know... like going to the mall and waiting for about a billion hours so you can sit your young child on a stranger's lap and have them tell said stranger all their deepest hearts' desires. Which is ok with me. I would rather scrap the whole Santa bit all together after raising one child with a huge Santa phobia. But I digress.....

This afternoon, after all our normal errands were done, we took Pickle, SweetPea and PorkChop to the fabled place called "the mall" to see the Christmas decorations. Since SweetPea is really into viewing right now, we thought that this would be a pretty cool experience. And what baby isn't reduced to a staring, drooling puddle when confronted with Christmas lights? Well... apparently my two littles.
SweetPea had more fun finding the "moving stairs" and begging us to allow her to go on them "just one more time". PorkChop loved the crowds and the attention that he was grabbing but as for the decorations, he was happier listening to the Christmas music than taking part in the bright colored lights and spinning trees.
We still have planned an evening drive to see the outdoor lights before Christmas is upon us. I am hoping that without the allure of elevators, escalators, and strangers that our two youngest will more enjoy themselves.
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