Wow! Only halfway through today but we have done so much that it feels much later. Or maybe I just feel like it feels much later because I would like it to be bedtime. It is nap time so I can't complain but I just need a rest. Holiday gifting, planning, crafting can sometimes take our whole day by storm and like a whirling dervish, can keep us going until we drop in our beds at night.
We started out this morning with Punk writing out our card for the mail person. Taking the time to remember to say thank you for a job well done is always an appreciated thing. Especially during the holidays when its snowy and cold and no one wants to leave the warmth of their homes. A holiday card can be a cheerful reminder that what you sacrifice to do your job is noticed by someone that you are making their life easier.

Adding a treat to that card just sweetens the deal and reminds us that the holiday season is not all about what is delivered TO us but also what we deliver to others.

And so begins our week of "Reindeer Games". Each day this week, we will strive to be more like the reindeer of Christmas lore. We will spend each day taking the time to remember the hard work that others freely give to our community and ourselves. We will be making sure to have fun because, after all, the reindeer had time for games too. But we will make it our goal to spread the joy especially well this coming week.
Because what is Christmas without a little reindeer magic?
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