"I can't put my arms down!" Best Christmas movie EVER! When we planned our out Christmas countdown, I mistakenly thought that the Ps would all be on Christmas break starting today. Then I found out that their last day is really tomorrow. Oops. Oh well, our family movie night choice for tonight was still A Christmas Story anyway. Even SweetPea got into it and was laughing along with the rest of us. Maybe next year, PorkChop will be giggling along too instead of just laughing because everyone else is being silly.
Our celebration today, besides the movie, was getting our annual Christmas card together. Yes, we are running a bit late this year. I put so much thought and effort into our countdown that I dropped the ball on what I needed to get done myself. I know that its the thought that counts though and I am hoping that our card recipients are a little bit lenient with their expectations.

Speaking of which.....
Happy five months, PorkChop! I took his official five month shots today but I will not be sharing those. Tradition dictates that the five month birthday shot is done in, well, their birthday suit. And as cute as my son's little chubby body is, that is just way more than I am comfortable sharing.

At five months, PorkChop weighs in at 17lbs and is about 27 1/2-3/4in long. His little head is about 16 1/2in around. Meaning that, he is in the 75% for weight, the 95% for height and his head is at 20%. Poor boy just has a small little noggin just like his siblings all did. PorkChop can sit unassisted for small amounts of time, usually long enough to grab a picture or three before he throws himself backwards, squealing with delight. He has recently discovered his toes in earnest but they still take a back seat to his manhood. Ah, the joys of little boys. He can roll from tummy to back and back to tummy when he wants to but prefers to use his energy on "crop circling" around. Hubby and I have both caught him pushing up on his hands with his right leg underneath him. His left leg has remained pretty useless so crawling isn't too close yet. Unlike SweetPea who got her third and fourth tooth during her fifth month, PorkChop is still working on number 1.... along with numbers 2, 3, 4 AND 5, 6, 7, and 8! Yes, we feel EIGHT sharp points in his mouth but not a single one is staying through the surface. I fear that I am going to wake up one morning to a little man with a mouthful of teeth instead of a gradual losing of that precious gummy smile.
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