Here it is. The end of another year. And what a year it has been! Since I started off this year on a different blog, switched to a 365, had a baby and had to give that up (no time to keep it updated, even though, I DID manage a picture a day for an entire year!) and am now here, I figured a year review would be the best way to keep track of how blessed we were this year.
We rang in the New Year at my sister's place... just a week after announcing the impending arrival of baby #5. Hubby underwent heart monitoring to find out that he is ok. :) Peanut started on Adderall for ADHD and made HUGE strides in school! Had our first midwife appointment and got our official edd, July 23 (or 26 lol).
SweetPea turned two. Mama had a birthday too. In fact, so did two other family members. February is apparently a busy month. lol Got to hear baby's heart beat for the first time. Spent time in the hospital for a massive kidney issue which turned out to be a few tiny kidney stones. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.
Had an unplanned ultrasound of "Gravy" because of concerns from February. Nothing bad to report. Daddy found out the sex but mama and siblings did not. SweetPea had a cardiologist appointment because of random "blue spells" that she had been having for a few months. Found out that she has a very small ASD (atrial septal defect) that will need to be re-evaluated when she is five.
Punk turned 11! Our family vacation got canceled because of hubby's work hours picking up. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Punk's soccer season ended. Peanut's Little League season began. Was a very busy month for sports. Peanut was awarded a special award at school for her continued advancements. She even made the honor roll! Began home renovations.
Hubby had a birthday. SweetPea, hubby and I were in a car accident. Turned out to be another blessing in disguise because we found out that I was having pre-term labor. Spent some time in the hospital again. Had to temporarily wean SweetPea. Went on partial bed rest. Had a family bbq on Memorial Day with a sister that I hadn't seen since I was Peanut's age. Made the trip up to the beach to see my cousin and help him celebrate his graduation.

School ended for another year. Made another trip to the beach to help my other cousin celebrate his high school graduation. Finished painting the "pond" room for SweetPea and "Gravy" while very pregnant. Went to the fishing derby... none of our kids placed this year. Went to Punk's soccer award ceremony. Watched Peanut end her first year in Little League. Took SweetPea to see her beloved dinosaurs at the zoo.

Watched our caterpillar "Chubby" become a beautiful butterfly. Spent tons of time outdoors in the water with the kiddos. Welcomed our little PorkChop into our family unassisted (which was not the plan). Had a scary first few days with him. Birthed on the hottest day of the year (record breaking temps hottest). Got Pickle from his mom's so we could enjoy a few days as a new family of seven. Hosted a welcome baby party. Discovered the joys of tandem nursing.
We relaxed and fell into new routines! :) Went to the Renaissance festival with friends. Prepared for the coming school year. Punk started soccer practice.
Peanut turned nine! Pickle started 8th grade, Punk 6th and Peanut 4th. Took our family of seven to the Renaissance festival. Took our family of seven to the cider mill and apple picking on the hottest day of the month. Punk started soccer with a new team. Peanut had her first slumber party... possibly her last.
Had a wonderful month celebrating Halloween. Took the kiddos to the local Boo Bash and the school sponsored haunt. Took SweetPea and PorkChop pumpkin picking. Trunk or treated with Little Red and Link. Trick or treated with most of our kiddos. Dealt with a severe allergic reaction on Peanut's end.
We counted our blessings and found them numerous. Celebrated Thanksgiving with our family here. Celebrated with family from far away and friends near to our hearts. Discovered that I was ready to take the plunge back into homeschooling again. Helped my nephew G celebrate his 12th birthday.

Pickle turned fourteen. Began a new holiday tradition of celebrating the 25 days of Christmas. Took SweetPea on a train ride, one of the highlights of her life. Watched Christmas through the eyes of our many children. Enjoyed our last baby's first Christmas. Took another trip up to the beach to see family. Day dreamed and planned our next year.

For the coming year? I have goals already in place. I want to again make sure that I can do a 365. I want to have a set crafting goal for each month. I want to continue to work on "greening" our lifestyle here at home. I want to make time to read one classic a month and one "modern" tale. I want to learn how to crochet. Simple goals but ones that define me.