Ever just sit back and enjoy the moment at hand? Not worrying about what's coming next or how its going to get here, just living in the moment at present? I really think that I should have made that one of my personal goals for this year. Especially since I am such a planner, such a "do-er", such a "need to constantly fill each and every second of my day" person.
As I watched PorkChop nap today and listened to SweetPea "read" a story to herself, I realized that I don't have to be so structured. Yes, both my littles thrive on a routine too. I notice that they both behave better when we follow our normal day. Daddy came home early today and while everyone was happy to see him, it still changed our line-up.
PorkChop refused his afternoon nap. SweetPea woke up earlier than normal and was crabby as a result. The older kids failed to do what they should have been doing in the novelty that dad was home with them after school. I am not saying that it was a bad thing having hubby here with me more, just that it showed me just how dependent we all are on the lives that we have made.

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