Monday, January 9, 2012

school is now in session

After months of talking about and planning, I finally took the plunge this morning back into unorganized home schooling. I say unorganized because, let's face it.... preschool at home isn't really anything more than BEING part of a family. I truly believe that unschooling in the early years is the best form of "education" out there. That being said, SweetPea thrives on structure and has been missing our daily activities that we did during our 25 days of Christmas countdown. Since I don't want to wait until Valentine's day to begin another round, I figured that a loosely based preschool curriculum might be our best bet.

We started our morning by checking the weather and picking out the appropriate tags for today. Then we discussed what month we are in, which day of the week and the date. We talked about seasons and what happens during each one.

SweetPea is already pretty adept at counting and knowing the alphabet (though she still needs help with order on both), I started today introducing the letter A and the sounds that A makes. We also did some math in sequences apples from largest to smallest and smallest to largest. Both of which showed me that she has already mastered that skill along with easy patterns but she doesn't care a lick for phonics yet. All in good time though. I can say that I am thoroughly impressed with what my not yet three year old knows.

I figure that once a week, probably on Fridays, I will blog about our school week. I don't want to do it every day because it takes away from the other little things that I would like to say. But a weekly recap sounds like a good compromise to me.

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