And this is the mitten for you. Snow in the morning......

This has been the wildest winter that I can remember. The temps for the most part have remained really mild and we haven't had any real snow to speak of. Either we are going to get off lucky this year or its all waiting until we try to take a family vacation and we will get pounded. Please do not let that be the case!! We missed vacationing last year because of PorkChop's pregnancy and hubby's work schedule and I really do not want to miss it again this year. Not that I should complain. We will officially be taking a road trip because of hubby's work at the end of the week. Four days away from the every day hustle and bustle should be a good recharge for me. Now to see if PorkChop agrees since this will be his first big car trip, his first hotel stay and his first night not in his own bed.
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