Sunday, January 29, 2012

she has her mother's fashion sense

I love two year olds. I love how they talk, how they act, how they think. I love how their personality becomes more clear as they become more independent. I love how they express themselves and yes, I even love the "terrible twos" for what they are. But most of all, I love the emergence of their "self".

This picture is totally SweetPea. She does things in her own way, in her own style. You cannot tell her that she is not right because she just doesn't believe that. She has her own way of forging a new path, usually the path of the most resistance to what we as adults want.

She is funny and fun, smart and sassy, a child after my own heart. She loves wearing shoes but hates putting shoes on when she should be wearing them. She would spend hours playing dress-up but hates getting dressed. Mealtimes? Forget it! Lately, food has become a major battle because she only wants "nola bars" or cereal or fruit. But if you offer one of those things without her asking, then they immediately go onto the forbidden list.

SweetPea loves all her siblings but I would have to say that PorkChop has the biggest place in her heart. Sometimes, I think that she honestly forgets that he is not HER baby. Most times, I know that she believes me incapable of hearing his cries. She is his second mother and heaven help the person that upsets HER man cub.

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