Ever feel like every day is a repeat of the day before? Like you are stuck in the movie "Ground Hog's Day" just repeating over and over and over again?
The picture pretty much sums up my days lately. Pick up the baby, snap some pictures, chase the toddler, snap some pictures, put baby down to play, snap some pictures, clean something up, snap some pictures, pick up the baby, later, rinse, repeat.
Don't get me wrong though... I love my life. I love my family. I love doing for them, with them, because of them. But sometimes, I need a break from the routine. A chance to stop and take a breather and not feel like I am letting someone down because I need that "me" time. I have been dealing with daily migraines since Saturday afternoon. Four days of migraines has left me pretty toasted. I don't feel like I am giving my 100% to anyone or anything right now and its wearing on me too. I really think that I need to take a "me" break but I know that so do others in this house.
Report cards came out today and they showed me that something needs to give around here. The grades I saw were terrible... when I know that my kids can do better. Attitudes around here stink lately... and I know that I am just as guilty as the next. Chores have become a chore, to put it lightly. And they need not be that much of a struggle.
I think that its time to revamp our lives again. Family night just isn't cutting it anymore. Its almost like there is too much boiling right under the surface that needs to come to a head before someone explodes. And I am not even sure that its going to be me this time that loses it first.
But for now, I am taking on more. Maybe during the next six weeks the kids can get back on track with what is really important right now in their lives and I can earn that break. Until then... lather, rinse, repeat.