Thursday, June 21, 2012

rub a dub dub

Four kids in a tub pool..... and how do you think that they got there?

They got there because its HOT today! And they all felt the need to cool down. And because its summer and summer means water fun. Sometimes, you have to just make due with what you have which is how I ended up with four kids in a pool meant for one small baby. Oh well, they look reasonably content with themselves so what does it matter?

Today, my little man turned 11 months old. I am not sure where the last year went but this is our last time celebrating a monthly milestone before the big ONE. Its so surreal to think that last year at this time, I was still pregnant waiting for him to arrive. Actually, around this time last summer I was painting the pond room still. Which still hasn't been finished. And probably never will be because Miss Sweet Pea has since morphed the idea into a dinosaur room and now is looking more towards an ocean theme. Its a good thing that she is so cute and that I love her so.

But about Pork Chop....

At 11 months, Pork Chop weighs 22lbs and is 30.5 inches long with a head circumference of 17.5 inches. He has six teeth, three across  the top and three across the bottom. They are not symmetrical but they do give him the cutest little grin! He can stand unassisted for short periods of time but ONLY if he thinks that you are still holding onto him. He doesn't really care to stand though because its stationary. This little boy LOVES to move. Standing is a waste of time, in his high opinion, because its not getting you anywhere. And anywhere happens to be where ever the food is. For a little boy that didn't want to eat solids for his first nine months, he is definitely making up for lost time now. If he is in the kitchen, he feels the need to be eating something. If you have some food, you better be prepared to share. If he thinks that there is food nearby, he will attempt to cage some. If something looks appetizing, food or not, he will eat it.

As for likes... he is discovering the joys of daddy more and more. Mama is still cool when he wants the boob or when he is tired or frustrated but daddy means play time. Daddy means someone that he can "work out" with (working out consists of trying to roll daddy's weights around the living room), someone who will let him get into a bit more than mama does, someone who almost always can be suckered into a snack of some kind. Not only that but daddy is the ultimate trailer pull-er and Pork Chop loves his evening bike rides.

I still cannot get him to sit still for reading time but he is starting to settle down at nap time when I am reading to Sweet Pea. So that's a start there. He loves his blocks, trains and balls and has one heck of a throwing arm already! I just wish that the projectiles were being launched at me a little less of the time. lol

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