Sunday, June 24, 2012

home to Richmond!!

We did it!! We did it!! We made a 52.22 mile bike ride a reality!! We completed the MOT trail today! Woohoo!! And I don't feel like I am going to totally die either! I feel like I could sing from the top of the roofs that we did it!!

Wow... today was amazing, exhilarating, phenomenal, magical, extraordinary!! Just a  few short months ago (like two months?) when we talked about trying the MOT, we talked about going halfway and turning around. After all, there was no way that we could complete a 50 mile round trip in a day. That's just too much. But now?! We did it! We did it!!

I am still in shock and might be for a very long time. I didn't realize how close we came to Richmond two weeks ago when we made it into Armada but wow... we almost completed the trail that day too. Only five miles from the finish line, we turned back the last time. Which was fine since that Sunday's ride was supposed to be a short one. Today, we planned out snacks, water, entertainment for Sweet Pea and Pork Chop, and completed the trail.

I almost want to stop and think "Now what?" but I know what is next. Our next big ride will be headed towards Lake St Clair in Harrison Township. That ride should be just over 40 for us but will send our long haul Sunday partners to their first 50 mile ride.

I have so many thoughts about today but I do need rest. I want to be able to walk tomorrow and enjoy my day, not have to spend it in bed nursing my old, tired muscles. lol

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