ever have one of those days
I am so over winter. I am over the bitter cold, the snow, the slush, the howling winds, the frost on the inside of the windows.... I want to just lay down and hibernate until the spring thaw. Why couldn't I be born a bear? I like to hang out in trees, eat berries, lay in the sun. I would be a good bear. I wouldn't even raid picnic baskets, mainly because I don't like 90% of what everyone else eats. But still.... I think that I should have been born to hibernate the winter months away.
*bliss* |
January always gets to me. In February, I have Valentine's day, SweetPea's birthday, MY birthday, mid-winter break and a short month all to look forward to. But January? After the excitement of New Year's Day, the month just drags on and on for me. I really think that its because the weather always seems to turn bitterly cold and we are home bound, indoors, for days on end. Like this week.... temperatures in the teens for a high is just too cold to bundle up the littles and go outside to play. True, I did get to stir crazy earlier today that I did bundle everyone up to head to our local meat market to get the fixings for an awesome lunch and so SweetPea could practice using her money skills. Instead, it turned into a 20 minute gab fest with the other customers, the deli dept, and the cashiers. Yes, I think that we need to get out and around people a bit more.
But its not only that January is so long and cold. Every winter around this time, I seem to develop insomnia. No matter what I try to do, I just cannot sleep more than a few broken hours a night. To make matters even better, PorkChop hasn't been sleeping much better either. I know that that is partially my fault... I really need to kick it in gear about staying away from the dairy. Its just hard. Eighteen months without it and I got a tiny taste and I am back to craving it all the time. Ugh! I need to just go back to finding alternatives again until I can get a handle on things. But seeing the little patches of eczema breaking out on PorkChop's skin is enough to make me want to cry because I KNOW that its my fault.
I just need some sunshine. And some warmer temperatures. A soothing breeze versus the icy polar winds. I need a good hour outside, even if its just being outside. I need my vitamin D to come from something other than a capsule. I need spring.
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