Happy Valentine's day! I am not one to get too emotionally invested in overly commercialized holidays but how can you not want to spoil your loved ones on a day set aside for showing your love? Yes, I am a sucker for Valentine's day and Sweetest Day both. Enough so that I went out last night after spending since Sunday night in the hospital with PorkChop to get each of the kiddos a small box of candy, hubby some dark chocolate (and he bought himself a new PS3 since his bit the dust while I was away) and PorkChop.... well, he got some boob and a "get out of the hospital" free card.

It was pretty cute. They had a photo guessing game (you had to guess who was who from their baby pictures), a create a lovebug station, Valentine inspired bingo, a bean bag toss and a make your own goodie plate station. SweetPea remembered two of the girls from Peanut's birthday party and went and spent the entire party sitting in the one girl's lap. Since I didn't want to expose PorkChop to anything, he spent the party in the pack while the boys and girls took turns peeking in on him.
We even made a special stop in Punk's classroom to say hi. Oh my goodness... the sixth graders were wilder than the fourth! It made me really glad that I didn't end up volunteering in his classroom!
I even did something for myself today. Since Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops was running a sale, I bought two patterns that I have been dreaming of since I first saw them.... Studio Tantrum's Hermosa wave shirt and Redondo flounce skirt. I cannot wait to get them and get started on some frilly things for SweetPea and Peanut.
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