This week (and next) we will be working on the letter C and the number 3. I don't like the chosen nursery rhyme for this week, since its actually a tongue twister ("How much wood can a wood chuck chuck") so instead, I taught SweetPea "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary". We are also working on the song "C is for Cookie" and "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar". The cookie jar game has become an instant favorite! We usually spend a good fifteen minutes a day figuring out who stole the cookie... before breakfast, during lunch, after snack, when we should be brushing teeth.....

She showed me that she knows which "birthday cake" is hers on the calendar and which one is mine. And she can pick out which holiday is Valentine's day and which is President's day. I think that next month we will start working on the days of the week a bit more. Even though we do go over them each day, I think that I will come up with a way to play a game with the names of the days to make them more "familiar".
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