I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Really, every year, but especially this year in my mind. I am thankful for my wonderful hubby who loves me even when I am at my worst. Who stands beside me through thick and thin and never stops holding my hand. He encourages me to try new things, to set and meet my personal goals, to be the kind of person that I want to be. He works hard for our family, giving more time than any human should, but he does it without complaints. He is loving father and a good son. He is thoughtful and caring and puts everyone before himself.

I am thankful for my beautiful children, all five of them. Even though Pickle wasn't here with us this Thanksgiving, he was still in our hearts and on our minds. Yes, the tall, good-looking one in the center is NOT Pickle, but my nephew G. I am just as grateful to have him in my life as I am my own children. I am thankful that our boys are having better years and growing and becoming more mature. I am thankful that Peanut is striving towards bettering herself and growing as a young lady. I am thankful for SweetPea's chatter and genius. I am thankful for PorkChop's health and the mere fact that he is here with us.

I am thankful for the roof over the heads of our collective family. I am thankful that we have all been healthy this year (relatively so). I am thankful that my family could come and share with us today. Its not often anymore that we are all together even though we try hard to make sure to do so at least once a month. The holidays are a good excuse to all sit down and break bread together but I wish that it could happen more than just on those special days.

Most of all, I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful each and every day for the blessing of life, for the ability to parent my children, to be here for them. I am thankful for the time that I have with my hubby, for our lives coming full circle. I am thankful for my freedoms, my choices, and my words.
I am thankful.
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