I love the song "Cold November Rain" by Guns and Roses. Always has been one of my favorites by them, maybe one of my favorite songs of all time. Which is really saying something since I tend towards musical scores over songs. But I digress.... Our weather today gave that song title all new meaning.
It has rained ALL. DAY. LONG. I remember hearing it every time I woke during the night and its still going right now. Just a cold, demoralizing, flooding downpour that makes me feel that we are in the middle of spring instead of getting ready to prepare for winter's fury. Days like this remind me why we have the "gales of November", even down this far from the majestic Lake Superior. Because its easy to see today the "witch of the Nor'East'r come slashing".
To beat the doldrums of cold today, SweetPea and I baked to our hearts' content. She helped me throw a new chili into the crock pot (always looking for new chili recipes to try). She then helped me make a batch of pecan brownies for her daddy. Then finally, she helped me make pretzel dough for these....

I love getting the chance to bake and now that the weather has cooled and I am not hugely pregnant or dealing with a tiny newborn anymore, we have our cooking days back. I am pretty sure that SweetPea is happy for the return too since she is back to asking me in the mornings "What we gonna make today, mama?" instead of asking for the cartoons that helped us both survive bed rest and a new, yet very demanding, human in our presence.
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