not too much
I wish that I had more to say right now. I wish that the end of the week would hurry up and get here so I would know if my x was yanking my chain or if he was being sincere. I wish that I wasn't so interested in knowing. I wish that it was the end of the month but once the end gets here, I know that I am going to be regretting that our fun filled vacation is over.
silly little goofball |
March is normally a good month for me, but not this one. Or at least, not so far. I am just so blah about everything and its even wearing on me. I don't have the get up and go to do much, but I have the desire to be active and doing. I don't have the intensity to get things done but I very much need things to fall into place for my peace of mind.
I think that the winter blues are just hitting especially hard right now with our back and forth weather. One day its brutally cold so we stay in, the next its beautiful out but so muddy that I don't go out because I don't want to deal with the mess. Homeschooling is becoming a chore again because SweetPea is just as cabin crazy as I am. Only my sweet little Porker is still in high spirits... albeit, psychotic ones at times. But at least he is still putting a smile on my face and joy in my heart. I can be thankful for that.
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