"Cops! Trucks! Go!"
Our sweet PorkChop is definitely a man of few words. Its insane to me to have a child that is this big and not a talker. I understand that a major part of his speech delay, in my opinion, is from his tongue and lip ties that we need to get revised but its still odd. I am used to my children being very verbally advanced. If it wasn't for the fact that I know that Pork can hear and, more importantly, can listen, I would be very worried.
"trucks!" |
Now, there are words that he says on a daily basis that everyone can understand.... "Boob" means that he wants to eat. "Cock" means that someone had better put his socks on his feet RIGHT NOW. "Boots" are any non-sock item that belongs on the foot... this is not reserved just for boots, but for shoes (which he can say that too), slippers, sandals, dress-up shoes, etc. He says "mama" and "daddy" (dah-dee), "hi", "guh-bye" and "hey". He has been known to pop off with "Shut up", "Stop it" and my favorite "Love you" (luv uyou).
But his most recent words are "cop" and "truck". "Cop" is not a police officer... a cop is a helicopter, plane, or jet. Sometimes, its also a hot air balloon. "Truck" is any vehicle on the street, but most often, "truck" is reserved for the garbage truck and the mail truck.
My littlest man will now happily spend minutes gazing at his books to find those elusive vehicles that he desires above all else. Not only will he "read" his books but gaming magazines, yearbooks, ads, the newspaper, etc. He is not picky how he finds his trucks and cops as long as he can find them.
Its so neat getting to watch this part of his personality develop. Before now, he has been my imitator.... copying whatever I do with his own babies. Suddenly, he is gaining interests beyond those that we introduce to him. Many times over the course of the day, I just sit back and watch those little wheels in his brain just spin as he puzzles out the bigger world around him.
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