Sunday, January 15, 2012

pay it forward 2012

I posted on facebook at the beginning of the year a status about "paying it forward". It is a really simple request... The first five people to comment, I would hand craft a gift for them as long as they "paid it forward" by posting the same status. The hand crafted part could be anything homemade that comes from the heart... even a simple cup of coffee shared between friends would suffice. As long as it wasn't a purchased Starbucks handed to someone.

I have already decided on what to make for three of my five people. Possibly four. And for some odd reason, in true "me" fashion, I started with the hardest, most time consuming one of the group.

I will share a picture when this is done but here is project "pay it forward" gift one. This is going to the home of someone very warm and caring that I just met this year. She is a beautiful person, both inside and out and I am very honored to count her as a friend. I am not even sure what prompted me to make this for her other than I think that it will be cherished. Never will she hear how this is actually my least favorite thing to do because its nerve-wracking and takes so much time and concentration. But I think that that's why I chose it for her at the same time. She always seems to be taking the time to enjoy things, never seeming rushed or hurried. She is patient and loving with a good spirit.

Honestly? If I had put any real "thought" into this, I think that I would have chosen this very gift for her. But instead, I let my muse speak for the both of us and I think that it worked out well. My heart obviously knew what my brain would have balked at and for that, I am very grateful.

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