This week, SweetPea and I worked on the letter B. We changed our "The _ says _" song to reflect our new letter, we have been working on learning "Rub a Dub Dub" and "I'm Scooping up my Baby Bumble Bee". Of course, we haven't stopped singing "Apples and Bananas" or "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and I don't think that we will be any time soon. SweetPea seems to learn best through song and repetition and can sing those little tunes much quicker than she can identify her letters and numbers. I am really not sure if its the age or her personality but for two, I will run with it.
This week, we played with feathers (and made a bird out of the letter B), baked "brownies" (which we used picture directions so SweetPea "read" them to me... and later recited them to a very impressed daddy) and my sister took SweetPea to the movies. She was supposed to see Beauty and the Beast to stick with our B theme but SweetPea BEGGED for Chipmunks when she got there. Not sure how to fit that in with our theme but she had fun.
We have been continuing our study on the calendar and the weather, starting to work more and more on "Today is.... Yesterday was... Tomorrow will be...". I am not sure that its really sticking yet but I have heard her use those words more and more during her play.
Next week, since we will still be working on B (and reviewing A), I am planning on another baking day, a scavenger hunt through the house for her letters and maybe a teddy "bear" picnic.
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